campy.system.error module

Top-level Exceptions and Errors.

Provides a generic function to raise an error from a message.

All exceptions (that are not builtin exceptions like ValueError, IndexError) raised in this library inherit from CampyException, the root of all exceptions in this library.

exception campy.system.error.CampyException[source]

Bases: Exception

Root of all exceptions in the campy module.

This allows for consistent exception reporting in the module.

exception campy.system.error.InterruptedIOError[source]

Bases: campy.system.error.CampyException

A blocking I/O call is interrupted by closing the program.


Generic function to raise an error.

Signals an error condition in a program by throwing an CampyException: with the specified message.

Parameters:message (str) – error message
Raises:An CampyException with the supplied error message.


if 'Red Leicester' not in cheeses:
    error("I'm afraid we're fresh out of Red Leicester, sir.")

You can check whether a code block raises a CampyException with:

except CampyException:

If the supplied message is an instance or a subclass of Exception, the CampyException is raised from the supplied Exception so that traceback information is maintained.