Source code for campy.util.note

Exports a :class:`Note` class that can play musical notes.

A :class:`Note` has several attributes - its :class:`Pitch`

To create a note, you can
import enum
import logging

import campy.private.platform as _platform

# Create a module-level logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: replace w/ imported error
def error(msg):
    import sys

# Minimum legal value that an octave can have.

# Maximum legal value that an octave can have.

[docs]class Note:
[docs] @enum.unique class Pitch(enum.Enum): R = 0 # Rest A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7
[docs] @enum.unique class Accidental(enum.Enum): SHARP = 1 NATURAL = 0 FLAT = -1
def __init__(self, duration, pitch, octave, accidental=Accidental.NATURAL, repeat=False): self.duration = duration self.pitch = pitch self.octave = octave self.accidental = accidental self.repeat = repeat
[docs] @classmethod def from_line(cls, line): """Constructs a new note from a line definition. Usage: note = Note.from_line('1.5 G 5 NATURAL false') """ try: duration, pitch, octave, accidental, repeat = line.split(' ') except ValueError as exc: error(exc) try: duration = int(duration) except ValueError: error('Invalid duration numeric format.') try: pitch = Note.Pitch[pitch] except KeyError: error('Illegal pitch.') try: octave = int(octave) except ValueError: error('Illegal octave numeric format.') try: accidental = Note.Accidental[accidental] except KeyError: error('Illegal accidental.') repeat = repeat not in ['False', 'false'] # Compatibility with CPP-style casing return cls(duration, pitch, octave, accidental, repeat)
[docs] @classmethod def rest(cls, duration, repeat=False): # TODO(sredmond): Do we ever want to allow a repeating rest? What does that even mean? print(duration, Note.Pitch.R, OCTAVE_MIN, Note.Accidental.NATURAL, False) print(cls) return cls(duration, Note.Pitch.R, OCTAVE_MIN, Note.Accidental.NATURAL, repeat=repeat)
[docs] def is_rest(self): return self.pitch == Note.Pitch.R
@property def duration(self): return self._duration @property def pitch(self): return self._pitch @property def octave(self): return self._octave @property def accidental(self): return self._accidental @duration.setter def duration(self, duration): if duration < 0: error('Illegal negative duration.') self._duration = duration @pitch.setter def pitch(self, pitch): # TODO(sredmond): Should we ever allow a rest to turn into a non-rest or vice versa? if pitch not in Note.Pitch: error('Illegal pitch.') self._pitch = pitch @octave.setter def octave(self, octave): if not OCTAVE_MIN <= octave <= OCTAVE_MAX: error('Illegal octave.') # TODO(sredmond): What the heck is this doing in here? Why would we want to increment the octave of a rest? # if self.is_rest(): # octave += 1 self._octave = octave @accidental.setter def accidental(self, accidental): if accidental not in Note.Accidental: error('Illegal accidental value.') if self.is_rest(): accidental = Note.Accidental.NATURAL self._accidental = accidental
[docs] def play(self): logger.warning('Playing %s', self) _platform.Platform().note_play(self, self.repeat)
def __str__(self): out = "{duration} {pitch} ".format(duration=self.duration, if not self.is_rest(): out += "{octave} {accidental} ".format(octave=self.octave, return out
__all__ = ['OCTAVE_MIN', 'OCTAVE_MAX', 'Note']