Source code for campy.util.decorators

import inspect as _inspect
import functools as _functools

## Decorators
def _bind_args(function, *args, **kwargs):
    """Returns an map from the names of function's arguments to values given by *args and **kwargs

    This is more or less an implementation of Python argument bind semantics, but it's not super accurate
        For example, it doesn't resolve any closure elements or anything, because ahh that's awful

    First, positional arguments are bound

    If you're a student reading this, you can ignore this implementation.

    Pre: *args and **kwargs represent valid parameters
    argspec = _inspect.getfullargspec(function)
    sig = _inspect.Signature.from_function(function)
    ba = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
    bindings = ba.arguments.copy()
    # default values for keyword arguments
    if argspec.defaults:
        for var_name, default_value in zip(reversed(argspec.args), reversed(argspec.defaults)):
            if var_name not in bindings:
                bindings[var_name] = default_value
    # default values for keyword-only argument
    if argspec.kwonlydefaults:
        for var_name, default_value in argspec.kwonlydefaults.items():
            if var_name not in bindings:
                bindings[var_name] = default_value
    if argspec.varargs and argspec.varargs not in bindings:
        bindings[argspec.varargs] = tuple()
    if argspec.varkw and argspec.varkw not in bindings:
        bindings[argspec.varkw] = dict()
    return bindings

# def test_print_args():
#     @print_args
#     def all_together(x, y, z=1, *nums, indent=True, spaces=4, **options):
#         """The all_together function from Lab 3."""
#         pass

#     # all_together(2)
#     all_together(2, 5, 7, 8, indent=False)
#     all_together(2, 5, 7, 6, indent=None)
#     all_together()
#     # all_together(indent=True, 3, 4, 5)
#     # all_together(**{'indent': False}, scope='maximum')
#     all_together(dict(x=0, y=1), *range(10))
#     # all_together(**dict(x=0, y=1), *range(10))
#     # all_together(*range(10), **dict(x=0, y=1))
#     all_together([1, 2], {3:4})
#     all_together(8, 9, 10, *[2, 4, 6], x=7, spaces=0, **{'a':5, 'b':'x'})
#     all_together(8, 9, 10, *[2, 4, 6], spaces=0, **{'a':[4,5], 'b':'x'})
#     # all_together(8, 9, *[2, 4, 6], *dict(z=1), spaces=0, **{'a':[4,5], 'b':'x'})

[docs]def cache(function): function._cache = {} @_functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = (args, tuple(kwargs.items())) if key in function._cache: return function._cache[key] retval = function(*args, **kwargs) function._cache[key] = retval return retval return wrapper
# @cache # def fib(n): # return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) if n > 2 else 1
[docs]def cache_challenge(max_size=None, eviction_policy='LRU'): assert eviction_policy in ['LRU', 'MRU', 'random'] def decorator(function): function._cache = collections.OrderedDict() @_functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = (args, tuple(kwargs.items())) if key in function._cache: # Before accessing this element, move it to the MRU side # of the list function._cache.move_to_end(key) return function._cache[key] retval = function(*args, **kwargs) # Check for eviction if max_size and len(function._cache) == max_size: if eviction_policy == 'LRU': function._cache.popitem(last=False) elif eviction_policy == 'MRU': function._cache.popitem(last=True) else: randkey = random.choice(list(function._cache.keys())) function._cache.pop(randkey) # Now that we know there's space, insert the element function._cache[key] = retval return retval return wrapper return decorator
# @cache_challenge(max_size=16, eviction_policy='LRU') # def fib(n): # return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) if n > 2 else 1
[docs]def enforce_types(function): expected = function.__annotations__ if not expected: return function assert(all(map(lambda exp: type(exp) == type, expected.values()))) @_functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = _bind_args(function, *args, **kwargs) for arg, val in bound_arguments.items(): if arg in expected and not isinstance(val, expected[arg]): print("(Bad Argument Type!) argument '{arg}={val}': expected {exp}, received {r}".format( arg=arg, val=val, exp=expected[arg], r=type(val) )) retval = function(*args, **kwargs) # Check the return value if 'return' in expected and not isinstance(retval, expected['return']): print("(Bad Return Value!) return '{ret}': expected {exp}, received {r}".format( ret=retval, exp=expected['return'], r=type(retval) )) return retval return wrapper
# def test_enforce_types(): # @enforce_types # def foo(a: int, b: str) -> bool: # if a == -1: # return 'Gotcha!' # return b[a] == 'X' # try: # foo(3, 'XYZXYZ') # => True # foo(2, 'python') # => False # foo(1, 4) # prints "(Bad Argument Type!) argument b=4: expected <class 'str'>, received <class 'int'>" and then crashes # foo(-1, '') # prints "(Bad Return Value!) return Gotcha!: expected <class 'bool'>, received <class 'str'>" and returns "Gotcha!" # except TypeError: # pass
[docs]def enforce_types_challenge(severity=1): assert severity in [0, 1, 2] if severity == 0: # Return a no-op decorator return lambda function: function def message(msg): if severity == 1: print(msg) else: raise TypeError(msg) def decorator(function): expected = function.__annotations__ if not expected: return function assert(all(map(lambda exp: type(exp) == type, expected.values()))) @_functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = _bind_args(function, *args, **kwargs) for arg, val in bound_arguments.items(): if arg in expected and not isinstance(val, expected[arg]): msg("(Bad Argument Type!) argument '{arg}={val}': expected {exp}, received {r}".format( arg=arg, val=val, exp=expected[arg], r=type(val) )) retval = function(*args, **kwargs) # Check the return value if 'return' in expected and not isinstance(retval, expected['return']): msg("(Bad Return Value!) return '{ret}': expected {exp}, received {r}".format( ret=retval, exp=expected['return'], r=type(retval) )) return retval return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def stylist(old, new, details): def stylist_decorator(function): @_functools.wraps(function) def stylist_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): print('Access to {0} has been stylistically replaced.'.format(function.__name__)) print(old) print(new) return function(*args, **kwargs) return stylist_wrapper return stylist_decorator
# Example code. # @stylist("GOval.getWidth()", "GOval.width", "In Python, you can just access this attribute directly.") # def getWidth(): # print('I am a getWidth function.')