Source code for campy.datastructures.sparsegrid

import collections as _collections
import functools as _functools

[docs]@_functools.total_ordering class SparseGrid( def __init__(self, rows=0, cols=0, value=None): self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self._elements = _collections.defaultdict(dict) if value is not None: # Even if user supplies an empty string, we want to fill self.fill(value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_2d_iterable(cls): pass
def resize(): pass def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): # Invoked like grid[row, col] row, col = key self.check_indexes(row, col); if row not in self._elements: raise KeyError(key) if col not in self._elements[row]: raise KeyError(key) return self._elements[row][col] else: # Invoked like grid[row][col] if key not in self._elements: raise KeyError(key) return self._elements[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # If invoked as grid[row][val], the first grid[row] will be use __getitem__, and then the latter is a usual dictionary lookup if not isinstance(key, tuple): error('Invalid key.') row, col = key self.check_indexes(row, col); self._elements[row][col] = value def __delitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, tuple): error('Invalid key.') self.check_indexes(row, col); del self._elements[row][col] def __iter__(self): for row in range(self.num_rows): for col in range(self.num_cols): if (row, col) in self: yield self[row, col] def __len__(self): return sum(len(row) for row in self._elements)
[docs] def check_indexes(self, row, col): if not self.in_bounds(row, col): error('SparseGrid: ({}, {}) is outside of valid range'.format(row, col)) # TODO: better errors
[docs] def in_bounds(self, row, col): return 0 <= row < self.num_rows and 0 <= col < self.num_cols
[docs] def fill(self, value): # Optimization: Instead of filling the whole grid # (and thus populating a huge number of cells, fill by # clearing the existing elements and setting a new default # value!) self._elements.clear() # TODO(sredmond): If value is mutable, all copies will share # the same reference. This might be bad for students. # Consider forcing this to be filled with a 0-arg callable. self._elements.default_factory = lambda: value for row in range(self.num_rows): for col in range(self.num_cols): self[row, col] = value
[docs] def resize(self, ): pass
def __le__(self, other): rows = max(self.height, other.height) cols = max(self.width, other.width) def __eq__(self, other): # optimization: if literally same grid, stop if self is other: return True if self.num_rows != other.num_rows or self.num_cols != other.num_cols: return False for row in range(self.num_rows): for col in range(self.num_cols): if (row, col) in self: # I have data there; she must, too, and it must be the same data if (row, col) not in other or self[row, col] != other[row, col]: return False else: # I don't have data there; she must also not have it there if (row, col) in other: return False return True def __str__(self): pass
[docs] def to_string_2d(self): pass
[docs] def serialize(self): pass
[docs] def from_stream(self): pass
[docs] def randomElement(self): pass
# Alternate names for cols and rows. @property def width(): return self.cols @property def height(): return self.rows